Assurance services (as described below) are foremost among the full range of accounting services I offer. Especially for those working in construction, obtaining a license and qualifying for surety credit are likely paramount to your business. Whatever your line of business and whatever your financial reporting requirements, I have the experience and the business perspective to provide you with the financial reporting services you need.
Accounting services
The purpose of general accounting and reporting is to provide management with internally generated financial information. Management uses such information to make informed and timely business decisions. Consequently, the systems and processes which produce this information must be efficient and accurate. I have twenty years of first hand experience designing and maintaining systems responsive to the needs of a highly successful business. I can help you achieve the same success.
Assurance services
Management uses financial statements that are reviewed or audited for external reporting to investors, creditors, sureties, licensing boards and others. An audit opinion is the highest form of assurance available as to the fairness of the financial statements presented. Hence, an audit involves detailed testing and verification of the financial accounts records via a myriad of tests and procedures. A review is less in scope, and is substantially less expensive. Consequently, a review offers only limited assurance on the fairness of the financial statements presented.
In some circumstances, I can associate myself with financial statements presented to outside parties without offering any assurance. This association is communicated in the form of a Compilation letter. Because I was a CFO for twenty years, I understand the underlying business objectives and challenges involved in reporting to outside parties. I can help you maximize the effectiveness of your communications to those with whom you conduct business.
As a North Carolina practitioner, any work performed by me is subject to peer review. This is a Quality Control initiative imposed by both state government and industry self-regulators and ensures the quality of my work. Furthermore, during my previous service in public accounting, I handled the quality control program for my firm. I was also a member of the North Carolina Association of CPA's Peer Review Committee. That Committee is responsible for reviewing and adjudicating all the peer reviews of licensees in the state. I have the knowledge and I have the experience. As a result, you can count on me for high-quality, relevant service.